For many of us, this a season of waiting and expectancy. While many wait for gifts, loved ones and delicious desserts, there are many more that are waiting for something a little more substantial. We’re waiting for secure jobs that can support our families. We’re waiting for adequate, affordable health care so that we and our loved ones can get the treatment and care that we need. We await the glimmer of light in our times of despair and darkness. We wait for hope. While we wait, we often forget that we also have some power. And only by all of us working together, can we be successful in engaging with our waiting. Together we can seek and act…and work with the bringer of hope to Charlottesville and Albemarle County. Our justice ministry has done that year in and year out and we will continue to do that as long as we are waiting for change in our communities!
- Heroin is $4 per shot
- “Prior assault increases risk for substance use and abuse, and substance use and abuse increases risk for assault”, Resnick, H.S., Walsh, K., Schumacher, J.A., Kilpatrick, D.G., & Acierno R. (2013)
- Fourth time we’ve heard that a female detox and in-patient treatment is the biggest gap in our system
- Crisis Intervention Team: January 6, prep 2:15pm, Location is TBD
- District #9 Probation and Parole: January 8, prep 8:45am at First United Methodist Church
- Shelter for Help in Emergency: tentatively January 16, prep 12:45pm at TBD