Crime/Drugs Research Update
• The Crime and Drugs research committee met on November 17th, 2014 to begin work on our initiative.
• The committee is currently led and guided by Janie Pudhorodsky, team member from Church of Incarnation and Rev. Elizabeth Emrey of New Beginnings Christian Community
• Our research began by highlighting trends in stories that were shared by congregation members during our listening process this fall. Out of the 250+ people within our congregations who participated, stories of family and neighbors seem to struggle with substance abuse and crimes that come as a result were prevalent. Many of these stories were regarding women and families. Many shared about the struggle to securing local treatment for those they care about.
• The committee decided to have the initial focus be on the scope of how substance abuse affects women and their families in our area.
• The committee has already been able to schedule the following visits:
o Region Ten
o Albemarle-Charlottesville Regional Jail
o Addiction Recovery Systems Clinic
o Albemarle Police Department
o Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA)
o The Women’s Initiative
• We want to prioritize our next meetings with:
o Charlottesville Police Department
o District #9 Probation and Parole
o Shelter of Help in Emergency
o Blue Ridge 1st Step Intensive Outpatient Programs
o Nicole Eramo, University of Virginia Associate Dean of Students