The following reflection was shared by Imam Ali Roach at our 8th Annual Rally of the Justice Ministry Networks.
It’s certainly inspiring to see so many of us gathered here this evening…
It’s inspiring to see a community spurred to action by faith-not one driven to apathy by despair.
It’s inspiring to see a community busy cooperating and working together—not one distracted by competition and rivalry…
…to see a community by caring and compassion—not one divided by selfishness…
…to see a community committed to giving and helping—not one obsessed with taking and hoarding.
Let’s give praise to the Lord for this gathering, and let’s give thanks for all the spiritual and material abundance he has showered us with.
But while we give thanks for our numbers, and we pray and hope that we continue to grow
Let’s remember that there are things more important than numbers…
Let’s remember that it is our faith in God that has brought us together tonight, and that it is His glory we celebrate, not our own…
Let’s remember that His purpose is always triumphant, and that the cause of faith and good is always the winning cause, no matter how many or how few of the children of Adam appear to be behind it.
Let’s remember that His side is the one we always want to be on, whether we can look around and see hundreds of others with us, or whether we appear to be alone.
And let us always remember that our God is vast and abundant, and that we are always poor, small, and few before Him.
Lord, bless us and strengthen us,
Be with us, guide us and forgive us,
Blessed is Your name, and we have no god beside You. Amen.