- UVA Medical Center investing approximately $218,000 to engage and hire 40 un-and underemployed 18-25 year-olds over the next 2 years
- $90,000 is directly from the UVA Medical Center
- Students will get:
- Full tuition for 8-week Certified Nursing Assistant Training (Institution has 95% success rate)
- Classes taught at night, in town, near a bus top
- Day to day stipend
- Work place readiness and other soft skills provided by Piedmont VA Community College
- Peer mentorship provided by Charlottesville Works Initiative through the beginning to 12 months into employment at UVA
- If successful, students can begin work at UVA Medical Center on June 1
- Average salary of $12.99/hr, expecting a 6% raise in 12 months
- Will receive mentorship from current nursing staff
- Do not have to work at UVA Medical Center
- Currently, there are 3 rotations per year
- Next rotations begin in July, and October
- Currently each rotation is 10 people
- UVA Medical Center and Charlottesville Works Initiative are currently in conversations with other stake holders for possible expansion
If you know someone or if you qualify and would benefit from this program please contact:
Charlottesville Works Initiative
209 5th Street N.E.
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 996-6780
First Rung Collaborative Strategy Committee
Mary Preston, Peace Lutheran Church
John Frazee, St. Paul’s Memorial Church